CASH…was born today, August 2, 2010, at 1:04 pm!
He weighs 6 pounds, 14 ounces and is 21 inches long. Cash Money (Cash MO-ney) has light brown hair, got a 9 and a 9 on his APGAR tests and has four siblings who adore him and can’t wait to meet him. Oh, and a mama who is incredibly taken with her new son and a daddy who is already making guesses about his bright future. A new jetski? A bigger, better house? Where will little Cash Money take us?!
We are absolutely over the moon about our fifth child. As soon as my eyes spotted Cash, I was smitten. I discovered instantaneously that I love our Cash with a mad intensity that is almost frightening. We’ve been waiting for him, but we wait no longer.
Welcome to the world, sweet Cash. We’ve been waiting for you!!